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T.A.T.U. (Tatu) - Novaya Model' Текст песни

Slova ne slyshno, avtopiloty
Vklyuchili zapis', applodismenty
Vot tak vsyo vyshlo, ne vazhno kto ty,
Takiye eti, eksperimenty
(Words can't be heard, autopilots
The recording's on, applause
That's how it happened, doesn't matter who you are
Those are the experiments)

Chto ni nachalos', vsyo konchayetsya
Chestnaya lyubov' ne sluchayetsya
Sduyet veter i zametyot metel'
No ostanus' ya, ya - novaya model'
(Whatever has not started, it all comes to an end
Honest love does not happen
The wind will blow it away, snowstorm will cover it with snow
But I will remain a new model)

Krugovoroty, vse eti sdelki
Vsyo eto melko, ne vazhno kto ty
Avtopiloty, kolyosa, belki,
Kolyosa, belki, avtopiloty
(Vortexs, all these agreements
All of it is little, doesn't matter who you are
Autopilots, wheels, squrrels,
Wheels, squrrels, autopilots)

Chto ni nachalos', vsyo konchayetsya
Chestnaya lyubov' ne sluchayetsya
Sduyet veter i zametyot metel'
No ostanus' ya, ya - novaya model'
(Whatever has not started, it all comes to an end
Honest love does not happen
The wind will blow it away, snowstorm will cover it with snow
But I will remain a new model)

Chto ni nachalos', vsyo konchayetsya
Chestnaya lyubov' ne sluchayetsya
Sduyet veter i zametyot metel'
No ostanus' ya, ya - novaya model'
(Whatever has not started, it all comes to an end
Honest love does not happen
The wind will blow it away, snowstorm will cover it with snow
But I will remain a new model)

Chto ni nachalos', vsyo konchayetsya
Chestnaya lyubov' ne sluchayetsya
Sduyet veter i zametyot metel'
No ostanus' ya, ya - novaya model'
(Whatever has not started, it all comes to an end
Honest love does not happen
The wind will blow it away, snowstorm will cover it with snow
But I will remain a new model)

Версия для печати
  • Смайлы и люди
    Животные и природа
    Еда и напитки
    Путешествия и места
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