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E-Type - Set The World On Fire Текст песни

So, i am what i am and what i feel can not be wrong
This is the way that i feel and i'm coming on strong
We're talking hundreds and thousands with potential to stay
But only one with quality can turn the loneliness away
Com folla me, one is a wonder
One is a wonder
But only one is a wonder
One is a wonder
Set the world on a fire
I'll do anything to get what i want
Aim even higher
I'll do anything to be the one
So i'm crusing round the continent to see what i can find
Alot of fangs but i refuse to be a slave to the grind
We're talking gadda-da-vida, honey now the deed is done
And if you're in you've got to show that you really are the one
Com folla me, one is a wonder
One is a wonder
But only one is a wonder
(I'm gonna)
Set the world on a fire
I'll do anything to get what i want
(I'm gonna)
Aim even higher
I'll do anything to be the one

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  • Смайлы и люди
    Животные и природа
    Еда и напитки
    Путешествия и места
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