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T.A.T.U. (Tatu) - Sacrifice Текст песни

Music by: S. Galoyan
Lyrics by: M. Kierszenbaum

Can you tell me, softly
How you'll always haunt me
Can you help me
Hold me
Come to me now, slowly

You caress me, smoothly
Calm my fears and soothe me
Move your hands across me
Take my worries from me

I will sacrifice
I will sacrifice
All I have in life
To clear my conscience

I will sacrifice
I will sacrifice
All I have in life
Sacrifice, sacrifice

Can you feel me, solely
Deeper still and wholly
With your understanding
And your arms around me

Can you help me
Hold me
Whisper to me, softly
Move your hands across me
Take my worries from me

I will sacrifice
I will sacrifice
All I have in life
To clear my conscience

I will sacrifice
I will sacrifice
All I have in life
Sacrifice, sacrifice

I will sacrifice
Will sacrifice
Will sacrifice
Will sacrifice

I will sacrifice
I will sacrifice
All I have in life
To clear my conscience

I will sacrifice
I will sacrifice
All I have in life
Sacrifice, sacrifice

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