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Влад Топалов feat Mya - I will give it all to you Текст песни

I will give it all to you
Girl, there’s something you need to know
I am in love with you since I saw you
Though it’s difficult cause of shone
And I get pride
It’s hard to keep this inside
And I don’t want any more

I will give it all to you
My every single thought about you
For every crazy day I spent without you
I will give it all to you
My every breathe, my weakness and my strength
It’s all for you

A strange the way has gone in down
It’s not more I would expect
I’ll go for
But there’s something that I have found
And it feels right
It’s hard to keep it inside
And I don’t want any more

I will give it all to you
My every single thought about you
For every crazy day I spent without you
I will give it all to you
My every breathe, my weakness and my strength
It’s all for you

I will give it all…
I’ll give it all…
It’s all for you

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