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Kamelot - Love You to Death Текст песни

When they met she was fifteen
Like a black rose blooming wild
And she already knew she was gonna die

What's tomorrow without you?
Is this our last goodbye?

She got weaker every day
As the autumn leaves flew by
Until one day, she told him,
"This is when I die"

"What was summer like for you?"
She asked him with a smile
"What's tomorrow without you?"
He silently replied

She said,

"I will always be with you
I'm the anchor of your sorrow
There's no end to what I'll do
'Cause I love you, I love you to death"

But the sorrow went too deep
The mountain fell too steep
And the wounds would never heal
'Cause the pain of the loss
was more than he could feel

He said,

"I will always be with you
By the anchor of my sorrow
All I know, or ever knew,
Is I love you, I love you to death"

What's tomorrow without you?
Is this our last goodbye?

"I will always be with you
I'm the anchor of your sorrow
There's no end to what I'll do
'Cause I love you"

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    Животные и природа
    Еда и напитки
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